WHO declares first 21st century flu pandemic on Thursday, June 11, 2009. The first since 1968!


Friday, May 1, 2009

Swine Flu Alert Now on Level 5!!!

An article from the Reuters...

(Reuters) - The World Health Organization (WHO) has raised its global alert system to 5 on a 6-point scale, indicating a pandemic is imminent, as swine flu cases spread around the world.

Health experts believe it is a only a matter of time before the WHO raises the alert to phase 6, confirming a pandemic is in progress, because the disease is spreading in a sustained way from person to person in more than two regions of the world.

In both phases 5 and 6, the WHO calls on countries to implement their national pandemic plans.

The following are recommended actions for countries to take in phases 5 and 6 according to the WHO's Pandemic Influenza Preparedness and Response guidance document, revised this week:

In general the WHO does not encourage:

* pandemic-related international border closures for people and or cargo

* general disinfection of the environment during a pandemic

* use of masks in the community by well persons

* restriction of travel within national borders during a pandemic (except in a globally led rapid response and containment operation)

1. Planning and coordination

Affected countries

* maintain trust with public through commitment to transparency and credible actions

* designate special status as needed e.g. state of emergency

* provide leadership and coordination to mitigate the social and economic impact of a pandemic

* work for rational, ethical and transparent access to resources

* assess whether external assistance needed for humanitarian needs

See full article here.

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