WHO declares first 21st century flu pandemic on Thursday, June 11, 2009. The first since 1968!


Saturday, May 23, 2009

Asia-Pacific to enter flu season

MANILA - THE change of seasons in the Asia-Pacific region could make it easier for swine flu to spread, World Health Organisation (WHO) officials warned on Friday.

'The southern hemisphere is about to enter its influenza season,' officials at the WHO Western Pacific office said, warning that the 'factors that contribute toward the spread of (ordinary seasonal) influenza will also enable the spread of A(H1N1)'. The greater prevalence of ordinary flu will also make it harder to detect swine flu, said the officials in a briefing at the WHO regional office in the Philippines.

WHO infectious diseases expert Julie Hall warned that vaccines against seasonal influenza did not appear to protect people from A(H1N1).

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